Dentures, also known as false teeth, refer to a removable replacement of missing teeth. Typically crafted from acrylic (not always) and sometimes combined with various metals. Dentures serve as a restorative solution. Complete dentures are designed to replace an entire set of teeth, while partial dentures fill gaps caused by missing teeth, preventing surrounding teeth from drifting and creating gaps.

Comprehensive full dentures are used in scenarios where no natural teeth remain. Whether you’re missing teeth in the upper, lower jaw, or both, Denture Link provides an array of full denture possibilities. We offer an extensive range of choices to cater to our patients’ diverse needs. We’ve created three denture ranges, each tailored to different budgets and requirements.

Partial dentures come into play when there’s a need to replace one or multiple missing teeth. If you still retain some natural teeth, a partial denture could be the ideal solution.

The fundamental stages of crafting dentures include the following steps (which might vary based on your denture type):

1. Initial Impression(s): Your Clinician uses a alginate impression material to create a copy of your mouth.

2. Creation of Special Tray(s): Using molds derived from the initial impression, a custom tray is crafted to perfectly fit your mouth’s unique contours. This precision ensures an accurate replication.

3. Bite Block(s) record: This technique helps establish and measure the relationship between your upper and lower jaws.

4. Try-In Phase: Your new artificial teeth are positioned in wax on a base. This step allows you to evaluate the aesthetics of your denture and propose any desired adjustments before the finalization.

5. Finishing Touches: At your final appointment, your denture is expertly fitted to ensure optimal comfort and functionality.

6. Post Insertion Check (PIC): All dentures fitted have these checkup appointments to fine-tune the dentures. Please note that the order and extent of these steps can vary depending on the type of denture being crafted.

Maintaining optimal cleanliness is essential to eliminate food particles, bacteria, and stains that can arise from eating and smoking. Neglecting this can lead to gum inflammation, development of bad breath and may lead to further health complications. It’s advisable to make a habit of cleaning after each meal, and particularly before bedtime.

Establishing a daily routine of brushing and soaking proves highly effective for denture care. By combining these methods and employing non-abrasive products, you can ensure your dentures remain clean, invigorated, and in peak condition.

To start the cleaning process, remove your dentures. Begin by gently brushing every part of the denture with a soft denture toothbrush to remove any loose food remnants. Holding the denture over a basin with water is a prudent measure, and you can even place a face cloth in the basin to cushion the denture in case it slips. Soap and water will suffice to clean them, avoid regular toothpaste it can be abrasive.

Regular soaking, using products such as Polident or Steradent, is crucial post-brushing. This practice not only eliminates light staining but also maintains a hygienically clean denture. Steer clear of immersing the denture in excessively hot water to prevent warping. These products come in 15-minute or overnight options, with regularity being key for effective stain removal. The 15-minute version tackles light stains, while more stubborn ones require overnight soaking for efficacy. After soaking, be sure to rinse the denture thoroughly in water while lightly brushing to eliminate any traces of the soaking product.

At Denture Link we have created three different ranges of full dentures that fit every budget.

Our Natural range dentures provide the most life-like qualities that are as close as possible to natural teeth in looks and wear resistance. Along with a more durable denture base that offers 20% higher strength.

Our Premium range dentures use superior quality denture teeth that offer good durability and comfort. Our Basic range dentures are made for everyday wear, where the looks are not as important as providing good function.

All dentures come with a 12 months manufacturer’s warranty. In our partial denture range; acrylic partials, metal partials and flexible partials are all options available that suit different oral requirements. Get in touch with us to find out which option works best for you.

Dentures typically have an average lifespan of 7-10 years. While they can endure well beyond this timeframe, changes in your mouth’s structure can occur over time. Older dentures might harbor bacteria, potentially leading to oral health concerns.

Given that your denture is in use for a significant portion of each day, regular upkeep is essential for optimal performance. The contours of your jawbones change throughout life, often resulting in shrinkage and adjustments in your bite. This transformation can impact chewing efficiency, appearance, denture stability, and overall mouth comfort.

Addressing these changes is possible, but procrastination can complicate rehabilitation. The pace of these shifts depends on factors like age, health, and more, which causes variation from person to person. Thus, timely intervention is crucial to ensure continued comfort and functionality.

For first time denture wearers we recommend wearing your denture consistently for the initial two weeks, including while sleeping. However, in regular wearers, it’s generally recommended to take it out at night. Studies indicate that removing dentures for a minimum of eight hours, either during the day or night, permits your gum tissue to rest. This removal facilitates natural stimulation and cleansing by the tongue and saliva, which contributes to improved long-term gum health.

Adjusting to immediate dentures is a process and takes time. This can be frustrating in the beginning; but do not worry, at the Denture Link we are there to help you every step of the way.

Immediate dentures are fabricated prior to your teeth extractions so when the dentist removes your natural teeth the denture is placed immediately. The benefit is you do not have to be without your teeth. After your extractions, you are generally instructed to keep the denture in for 24 hours. After which time, you can remove the denture, clean the denture and place it back in your mouth. It is advisable to wear the denture as much as possible, evenings included, for the first week or two. Just take them out to clean them and put them back in. After the first week or two, it is healthier for your gums to remove the denture at night, while you are sleeping.

Adjustments to Prepare For:

Sore Spots and Bone Chips on your Gums

Having sore spots is normal and the denture will need to be adjusted by your denturist when they appear. If the sore spots hurt too much, you can remove the denture until you are able to see your denturist. Bone chips are also normal and will annoyingly appear and disappear, usually for the first six months. The denture can be adjusted in those areas; in some cases you will need to see your dentist to remove the bone chips.

Shrinking Gums and Loosening Dentures

Your denture may fit ok to begin with but as your gums heal, they will shrink. Therefore, the denture will become loose. At the Denture Link, we include in the cost of the denture, temporary liners, which we complete apply 1 to 2 weeks after extractions. These temporary liners will “tighten” your denture during the healing period. It takes approximately 1 year for your gums to fully finish healing. Within the first 3 to 6 months we can complete a permanent reline where we remove all the temporary liners, take a new impression and refit your denture to your gums, (this is a separate fee $450 per arch). Because your gum will continue to shrink your whole life, it is necessary to reline your denture every 2 to 3 years. Also, because the teeth on the denture wear down, most people will need to replace their denture every 5-8 years.

Excessive Salivation

In the beginning, you will salivate excessively; this is your body’s first step in digestion. Your body will get use to the denture in your mouth and eventually the excess salivation will lessen.

Learning to Speak Normally Again

You will lisp to begin with, until your tongue finds the correct place to form sounds. This may take some time, but reading to yourself and repeating difficult works will help. Practice makes perfect.


Eating will be a challenge too. Again, with practice and time this should improve. Start with softer food and work your way up to a more solid diet. Be sure to chop your food into smaller pieces and take your time while eating. It may not be possible to bite food off. You may need to cut up food like apples or sandwiches instead of using the biting motion. Also, the sore spots from fresh extractions may hinder your ability to eat, but be patient, this is a process and it will take time to heal as well as learn how to eat. You may need to wait until after your first temporary reline before you will be able to try chewing harder food. Be sure to see your denturist for an adjustment if your chewing does not improve over time.

Adjusting to immediate dentures is a process and everyone has a different experience depending on their individual situation and mouth type. Getting dentures for the first time can be a positive experience.

Making a denture takes 5 steps, from taking the first impressions to inserting the new dentures and follow-up care.

1. Consultation

During this preliminary step, the denturist will explain what an immediate denture is, what to expect from an immediate denture, cost, the process and steps to complete the immediate denture and the follow up care necessary to be successful with an immediate denture. She/he will also examine the oral cavity and discuss other treatment options if necessary. We will answer any questions and concern you may have.
We will help you book your remaining appointments and coordinate them with our dentist. We will organize it for you.

2. Exam & first impressions

Your denturist will examine and document the oral cavity and structures. Impressions are taken for the construction of the immediate denture. A bite registration will be established and tooth shade will be selected.

3. Bite registration (will not be necessary if bite was established at the previous appointment) Taking the bite” is a process of establishing the position of the upper jaw to the lower. Tooth Shade and mould is also selected at this appointment.

4. Check-up
You will have an appointment with your denturist to check your denture and adjust any sore spots. The bite will also be examined at this appointment. Instructions on care, cleaning and maintenance will be explained. Your first temporary liner appointment will be booked at this time for approximately 2 weeks to 2 months from this date.

5. First Chair-side Temporary Reline
Your denture will be very loose by this appointment and your denturist will reline the inside of the denture to refit the denture to your gums. It should “tighten” the denture.

7. Processed Reline or New Denture Start **New charge for this service**
It will be a year since your extractions the healing and gum shrinkage due to extractions should be complete. It is now time to reline the denture. Impressions will be taken inside your denture in the morning and you will be without your denture until 4:00pm at which time you will pick up the denture and the denturist will adjust any pressure spots.

Dentures need to be relined every 2-3 years and replaced every 5-8 years. Sometimes during the healing process the gums change shape so much that it is necessary to take a new impression and remake the denture.

Adjustments are necessary to ensure comfort after your start using the dentures. Immediate dentures require several adjustments because the oral tissues are changing shape as they are healing. You do not have to wait until your scheduled temporary liner appointments to have your denture adjusted, phone the office whenever you have a sore spot.

Eating a healthy diet requires the ability to chew your food, which isn’t an easy task if you’ve been fitted with new dentures. Adjusting to life with dentures may take a little time. You should be able to chew most foods with dentures that fit properly, however you may need a little practice at first.

1. Start with a liquid diet that includes purees and soft foods such as apple sauce, puddings, cooked cereals, chopped cooked eggs and soup broth.

2. Be careful with hot liquids and foods so you don’t burn your mouth. You won’t be able to judge the temperatures properly due to the insulating quality of the denture.

3. Don’t hold liquids in your mouth for a long time before swallowing. This can loosen bottom dentures.

4. In the beginning you might find that foods taste different with dentures. Your sense of taste should improve over time, as you become used to the denture in your mouth, the mind will be less distracted.

5. When you’re ready to move on to solid foods, start with a mechanical soft diet. Be sure to cut your foods into very small pieces.

6. Distribute your food evenly on both sides in the back of your mouth when you chew, this will help keep your dentures more stable while you eat.

7. Chew slowly and thoroughly before you swallow – don’t gulp down large pieces of unchewed food — you could choke on them and it is hard on your digestive system.

8. Slice fresh fruits and vegetables into very thin slices or chop them into tiny pieces so they are easy to chew, or cook them before serving.

9. Whole grain breads and cereals are good for you, but they may stick to your teeth – eat them with liquids to make them easier to chew and swallow.

10. Replace tough red meats with poultry, fish, eggs and legumes, or choose stewed or slow-cooked meats.

11. Denture adhesives may help for eating foods that require a strong bite (like corn on the cob).
Adhesives like Polident or Holdtite are some of the more popular brands, sold at your local pharmacy or supermarket. Remember adhesives work by cementing the denture inside your mouth and need to be removed every night and reapplied every morning. You should be able to eat almost anything, but there are some foods that may always be difficult to eat such as apples, foods that are hard, sticky or contain small particles. Be cautious with whole fresh fruits, hard crusty breads, tough red meats, peanut butter, chewing gum, sticky candy, fruits and berries with seeds, nuts and coconut.

Dentures, when regularly inspected and adjusted yearly, can offer satisfactory performance for approximately 7-10 years. During this period, certain actions might become necessary, such as relining the denture to enhance the fit by incorporating a new fitting surface, or making “eases” to optimize comfort.

Artificial teeth generally lack the strength of natural ones and will undergo wear as they age. The longevity depends on tooth quality; superior quality teeth tend to last longer. It’s important to note that worn artificial teeth cannot be repaired or reconstructed. Should your denture deteriorate to a point where it hampers function, replacement becomes necessary.

Considering oral health, denture replacement every 7-10 years is essential. Despite diligent cleaning, bacteria accumulate in dentures. Additionally, an annual oral examination is crucial, even for individuals without natural teeth. Oral cancer’s prevalence is comparable to cervical and skin cancer, making vigilance vital for denture wearers.

Should any of the following issues arise, it might be an indicator for a new denture:
– Difficulty eating with your denture
– Cheek biting incidents
– Speech challenges
– Presence of red or inflamed tissues
– Clicking noises
– Discomfort while wearing the denture
– Cracked mouth corners
For more information give us a call and book for you free consultation.